Wednesday, December 6, 2017

4 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight | Fast Weight Loss Tips Idea

4 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight

It’s tough. You apply everything you’re learned and researched, yet when you step on the scale, nothing ever seems to change. It’s.. to say the least, disappointing. If you ask me, your weight shouldn’t mean much in the big picture. After all, two people of the same weight can look vastly different. 

A better indicator is to simply look at the mirror! But, I understand people still yearn for their weight to go down, perhaps due to exploitative fitness marketing constantly parading weight loss as THE sign of success. Regardless of how you choose to see it, let’s take a look at some of the reasons that might explain why you’re not losing any weight.

Number 1: You’re eating too little protein

Although typically you want to eat less during a weight loss diet, having more PROTEIN can help in two important ways: One, protein increases satiation and satiety more so than the other two macro nutrients, carbs and fats. You’ll feel full faster, translating to fewer calories consumed per meal, and you’ll feel full longer, delaying any additional calorie intake. Two, protein has a relatively high thermic effect of food, the amount of energy it takes to process the food you eat. For every 100 calories of protein consumed, roughly 30 calories are used in digestion. Carbs and fat take roughly 10 calories for every hundred. More protein means more calories burned, which means more weight lost. Of course, we can’t ignore protein’s role in muscle preservation, attenuating muscle breakdown commonly seen during long-term weight loss. 

Number 2: You’ve only lost water weight

One might see some initial rapid weight loss. But most of that early weight loss is likely attributed to water weight. This is especially true of diets where carbohydrates are the first to go, forcing the body to utilize more of its glucose storage, glycogen, notorious for its water retention. On top of any sodium reduction, which also retains water, or sweat-inducing exercises, the majority of your weight loss in the first 3 weeks is water. After that, if you cease to see any changes on the scale, then it’s time to re-tinker your plan to ensure that you are indeed in a calorie deficit, aka eat fewer calories than you burn, so that you continue losing weight, especially fat weight. 

Number 3: Under reporting your calories

Sometimes people are misguided by calorie counting because when they actually do it, they don’t see any results. But oftentimes, the calorie count is way off. Based on numerous research on the matter, under reporting calories is not only extremely common, but some have found people under reporting their calories by as much as 47%! They’re simply eating more than they think they are. Accurately report your calories or at least get close estimates and when you’re uncertain, always assume you’re eating more. Use apps like MyFitnessPal that can also make counting easier. Bear in mind, you still have to shoot for healthy choices to ensure that you’re getting enough protein and other micro nutrients.

number 4: Not lifting weights

Not lifting weights. Or… any form of resistance training. And, this might have more to do with losing the right weight. We’ve been told by numerous times that cardio cardio cardio, is the way to go for weight loss. As great as cardio might be for, well, your cardiac organ, aka your heart, it shouldn’t be your only weight loss tool. Undoubtedly, cardio can burn fat more so than lifting weights. One 2012 study in fact showed that, when compared to one another, cardio indeed is the benefactor of overall weight loss and even fat loss. But even though cardio resulted in the greatest amount of weight loss, it also negatively impacted lean mass. Resistance training, on the other hand, did the opposite, significantly INCREASING lean mass. So, if cardio is great for weight and fat loss, and resistance training is great for building muscle, 

What’s the best thing you can do? 

That’s right! Both, as clearly indicated in the study as well. When combining both, you truly get the best of both worlds. But, if you had to choose one, then I suggest you go with weights for the muscle improvements. 

Neither diet or more cardio will help in the muscle department. And that wraps up four potential reasons you’re not losing weight. I’m sure that you have encountered your own unique dilemmas, so please feel free to share some of them in the comments to help your fellow fitness junkies break through their weight loss plateaus.

Image source:Pixabay under Creative Commons License 


1 comment:

  1. I love cooking by myself, and I have a lot of cook books with thousands of recipes. I enjoy trying different recipes and generally enjoy the food, but due to my work and tight schedule I’ve developed an issue with my weight. I was aware that I’m not going to start exercising, so I had to change something in my diet. As I mentioned before, I have a lot of cook books in my collection, but I started to purchase and collect healthy food cook books, so I could lose my weight and retrieve my previous condition. I’ve been cooking according to these cook books since, but I didn’t have any specific results. I lost some weight, but it wasn’t any spectacular. But, I came across one specific book on the internet, and because I collect cook books and recipes, I decided to give it a try. So, I gave it a try and I’ve been cooking according to this book so far, and I was amazed by the results. I’ve lost 6 lbs in only 3 weeks. This was exactly what I was looking for. I didn’t want to lose the weight very quickly, but in a more healthy manner instead. So, I’m quite happy with this book, it’s gonna be part of my cook book collection for a long time and I definitely recommend it to everyone.


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