Thursday, December 14, 2017

4 Lazy Life Hacks for Weight Loss that Actually Works | Fast Weight Loss Tips Idea

4 Lazy Life Hacks for Weight Loss that Actually Works

Today, I wanted to talk about the 4 lazy life hacks for Weight Loss. it happened food just won't leave you alone I've been there and I've learned a few tricks along the way that I've used which definitely works well for me and my friends and the best part is it is back by science. Let's get right into the four tips.

1. Search Engine

Do you google everything yeah I do too. How is it related to weight loss? we're gonna take this to the next level. I used to be one of those people that put crap into my body without realizing or giving it any thought at all and then I started researching what I was putting in my body, if I ate a pizza I would go home 
Search Engine
and Google trans fat in pizza or nutritional value of pizza, can you lose weight by eating pizza or how many calories are there in Pizza and you know what I found OK no surprises there but the next time I have was more conscious. I did this for most of the dishes and it helped me become more aware of what I was putting in my body. Do this for healthy food as well, when you realize how much a food item is nourishing your body you'll want to eat it more.Remember guys restaurant do not care about your health or your weight. They're gonna add that extra salt and extra oil just to make the food taste better and if you're in denial after your research and think oh it can be bad bad I can't possibly eat that much calories in one sitting, chances are they are that bad, several research suggests that the higher the awareness higher the chance of reaching the weight loss goal.

2. No Buffet 

Life Hacks for Weight LossBuffet is the worst view, first of all you're gonna feel more guilty about eating lesser than you paid for than the fact that you're eating unhealthy food, no matter how tempting it is avoid buffet at all costs all right,This one no matter what the promotion is buy one get one free not interested, 70% off oh my god tempting no, you pass. There is so much food that no matter how much you eat, you will not think that is enough or too much and also stay away from the buffet effect in general when I was at school even at the university we bought our own single serving food and then when I wanted more I would judge myself a little bit like hey you just ate. With larger portion of food available to you you're gonna eat a lot more. if I was at home every dinner is like a buffet, there is so much food on the table then the whole family should consume just put the food in your plate and do not refill or when you go to your grandma's house um best of luck with that one.

Also Read: 

3. Proximity

what you can break ourselves into eating lesser by being lazy. Put your food far far far away if possible the junk food can be very far like there or there or there. Brian Wansink leading expert in changing eating behaviors that the secret to weight loss is to change the environment so that it works for you rather than against you, if you spend most of your time in your room keep all the food downstairs in the kitchen and also no food in the room people, if you want to have a fridge just put water in it another tip is that when you go to a restaurant with your friends, sit at the corner seat when I go to a restaurant I usually aim for the middle seat so I know it's gonna be hard for some of you that like to involve yourselves in all the conversations like me but this really works, we tend to eat more when the food is easily accessible, if you need someone to keep passing the food to you you eventually stop after doing that too many times. 

4. Keep Busy 

Life Hacks for Weight Loss that Actually WorksDo you eat when you're bored what can you do about that, when there is less work to do I tend to reach for food so much more, see people sometimes having a lot of work is a good thing maybe not for you but definitely for your belly and healthy behavior may draw attention away from the threatening self focus and existential experience that boredom enatils, basically you do eat much more when you're bored, what I do is I snack on sunflower seeds, if I really need to keep myself busy or my mouth busy as I take one seed at a time, it's fun try it.Our brain will think that we're eating so much more if the volume is more than the calories, having a whole plate of vegetables will tell your body that you've eaten enough at the same amount of calories like half a pizza eating more will also take longer for food to go into your body and it will take longer to process and digest it which will keep your food longer.. If you follow all those 4 steps consistently.You will lose your weight fast. So go ahead and give it a try! 

Image source: & under Creative Commons License 



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